Mercedes E-Class 2010

Mercedes E-Class 2010

Car Accident - Mercedes E-Class 2010

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned all about Car Accident - Mercedes E-Class 2010. Which is very helpful if you ask me and you.

Have you seen the commercials for 2010 Mercedes E-Class? It makes me sick; it's so high-tech! It has Blind Spot Assist, Distronic Plus, and Night View assist Plus! I mean, I belief that since it had so many different types of wheels for just one car that would be complicated enough; but I guess I stand corrected.. Again. Like the Mercedes Benz 280 Wheels, there's like 3 types! And they all look the same! It's horrible, or at least that's what I think. But let's get back to this intriguing new car, shall we?

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Car Accident

You're probably thinking, "What the heck is Blind Spot Assist?", right? Well according to my sources, it's specially designed to help all 2010 E-Class drivers conclude if there's person in your blind spot. There's a small red light that appears on your side view mirrors, on either side, to help you whenever you think about changing lanes. How helpful, right? But how annoying will it get? I mean how many times a day are there going to be people in your blind spot when you're driving from Point A to Point B? Yeah it will lower the whole of accidents, but it'll probably growth your level of irritation.

Now onto Distronic Plus. Let's play a word game. What does Disctronic sound like to you? You got it: Distraction. So what happens when you're driving and happen to get distracted or start dozing off? You're car automatically "senses" it and some sort of alarm comes on to "wake you up" or be more aware of where you're driving. Let's say you're driving on the freeway, the car's radar at last gets the idea that you're just going straight and when the traffic finally comes to a halt, so does your car. Isn't that great? It doesn't mean that you can text or just do something else other than driving, it's just there to assist you-not finally drive for you.

So we're finally at Night View assist Plus; when I first figured out that it was a feature, I just belief to myself, "Geez, does it drive for you when you fall asleep, too?!"; but then I realized that I was just getting ahead of myself. Anyways, Night View assist Plus automatically looks ahead at what your headlights can't see and senses if there's something that you should observation when you're driving. So let's get all dramatic and say it's a moonless night and it's only you & the road. There's no one there; then all of a sudden, you see two people walking on the side; but they don't appear until you're like two feet away! Not to worry, since you have this magnificent feature, you saw them from half a mile away. How cheesy, huh? I mean, if it's just you & the road, you might as well put your high beams on & it would be the same thing!

Okay sure, the new 2010 Mercedes-Benz E Class is a beautiful car, but are all the features actually necessary? Let's rate each one of them:

1. Blind Spot Assist. Do you actually need a flashing red light every time person is in your blind spot? I'm sure people only look there whenever they're going to swith lanes, right?
2. Distronic Plus. Okay, maybe this one's a good one. It's great that your car senses when you happen to be dozing off because you don't want to get into an urgency right?
3. Night View assist Plus. Bo-Gus. How often are you going to be driving somewhere where there's no road lights? And if you do, how often are there going to be people walking there? Seriously?

I'd give this car a 10 for Looks & a 10 for being Overly-dramatic. I'm not trying to demean anything for their cars, I'm just merely sharing what I think of it. So anything floats your boat, cool?

I hope you get new knowledge about Car Accident . Where you possibly can offer easy use in your life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Car Accident . Read more.. Mercedes E-Class 2010.

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